Upcoming: Agency hosting panel at the Computers, Privacy & Data Protection Conference; 25/01

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On Wednesday, 25th of January, the Agency is hosting a panel discussion, at the CPDP, one of the leading Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conferences, taking place in Brussels, Belgium, in conjunction with the European Privacy and Data Protection Day.

The panel is focused on the data breach breach notification requirement for the electronic communication sector introduced in the review of the ePrivacy Directive (Article 4).


The CPDP 2012 conference is a three-day top-level scientific programme, this year's theme being "European Data Protection-Coming of Age", with:

  • more than 25 panels with international experts in technology, privacy, data protection, law and social sciences
  • updates on the latest emerging issues; (geolocalization, e-identity and e-management, enforcement of copyright protection, surveillance in the workplace, accountability and communication of privacy.)


The CPDP 2012 takes place at a significant stage of the revision of the EU legal framework on data protection, and occurs in the context of the European Privacy and Data Protection Day


Please find the full press release of the event.

For more information on the conference/or registration.